The Jealousy to Joy Journey

12-Weeks of Open Relationship Coaching with Paige Bond, Polyamory Coach

Let’s take you from feeling stuck, insecure, and jealous in your open relationship to fulfilled, confident, and connected.

Are you…

…Kept up late at night wondering if your relationship will survive another jealousy hurt?

…Thinking you’ll never be good enough for your partner?

… Figuring out if non-monogamy is right for you?

But how do I stop being jealous?

If you’re anything like I was when I tried navigating non-monogamy, you’re feeling lost and confused without anyone to talk to who understands.

I remember the late night fights lasting hours into the wee morning, feeling a gut punch of jealousy.

Any time we’d talk about opening up, it’d eat away at my security in the relationship.

I read everything I could, listened to all the podcasts, and talked on and on to my therapist about what to do.

And I still couldn’t figure it out.

Sound familiar?

Sad woman looking down because of jealousy in open marriage

When dealing with jealousy in an open relationship, you think to yourself…

💔 If I just cared less about this relationship this would hurt less.

💔 My partner needs this and I love them, so I should get used to feeling this way.

💔 I feel so strongly connected to my partner, but do I love them too much?

Without an ethical non-monogamy compass to navigate your jealousy journey, you:

  1. Open the relationship

  2. Agree to things make agreements that don’t jive with your vibe (Hello resentment).

  3. End up in a lose-lose situation with your partner(s).

When I had a partner suggest polyamory

I was shocked and swamped with unwelcome intrusive thoughts about “losing my partner to someone else”

It was like BAM. Jealousy hit me like a ton of bricks!

Suddenly, I was faced with a world of possibilities, with no map to navigate them.

As a seasoned therapist specializing in people-pleasers navigating non-monogamy, I should be able to do this with no sweat, right?

*Buzzer Sound* wrong. I've been right where you are.

Boat representing jealousy sinking your open relationship


What you should know about opening up your relationship is that…

it is possible for you to feel SAFE, EXCITED, and WORTHY while exploring non-monogamy whether it’s polyamory, swinging, or something else.

Together, we'll conquer fear, insecurity, and self-doubt, transforming you into feeling FULFILLED, CONFIDENT, and SECURE.

Say au revoir to sleepless nights of jealousy and set sail for authenticity and freedom in your relationships.

I created the Jealousy to Joy Journey to help you breeze through the stormy waters of ethical non-monogamy.

Jealousy Coaching or Course for Open Relationships and Polyamory

Are you ready to ditch jealousy and embrace joy in your relationship?

During our 12 weeks together, I’ll walk you through 5 Journeys to take you from Jealousy to Joy.

Stop mindlessly scrolling facebook groups, reddit, or ChatGPT for the answers.

Let an expert guide you through this journey!


Together, we’ll walk through my signature Jealousy to Joy Journey! We’ll explore the 5 destinations that will help you love with ease.

  • 1. Consideration

    Review what works and let go of what doesn’t.

    Jealousy Worksheets for Healing in Polyamory
  • 2. Compassion

    It’s time to take care of you.

    Mindfulness for Jealousy in Open Relationships
  • 3. Comfort

    It’s time for gentle support and understanding.

    Calming Jealousy Gut Punches in ENM Relationship
  • 4. Communication

    Feel closer to your partner by being vulnerable.

    Stop People Pleasing in Open Relationship
  • 5. Compersion

    Feel joy for your sweetie on their own ENM journey.

    Turn your jealousy to joy in open relationships

Meet Your Jealousy to Joy Guide

Polyamory Coach for jealousy and insecurity - Paige Bond

Oh hey, Paige Bond here 👋.

I want to show you how to make consensual non-monogamy sustainable.

I’m putting my training as a marriage therapist packaged perfectly just for you as a coaching program to make your open relationship thrive!

As a recovering people-pleaser who has had positive and negative ENM experiences, I know what it’s like to go against my own instincts just to please someone else.

I couldn’t take it any longer…

I knew I couldn’t be the ONLY ONE going through this so I got my thinking cap on to crack the code.

Now I’m able to teach my clients how to balance the kind of relationship they want to create, while also making sure their needs are met.

What’s included in the 12-week Jealousy to Joy Journey?

  • Jealousy to Joy Modules

    You’ll get lifetime access to over 29 lessons of video and audio meditations, and a Jealousy to Joy fillable or PDF workbook to guide you so you don’t veer off the map.

    All content created by a licensed couples therapist to aid in your transformation to help you integrate what you learn during coaching sessions.

  • 6 Private Coaching Sessions

    For 12 weeks we will meet every other week for a total of 6 90-minute private coaching sessions to integrate each Jealousy to Joy Journey you are working through.

    You’ll get private 1:1 time with yours truly to dig into why your jealousy is holding you back from your dream ENM relationship.

  • 12 weeks of 24/7 Support

    Have a quick Q? No fear! We’re gonna stay in touch in between our sessions so that your jealousy to joy journey is smooth sailing.

    You can Vox me 24/7 and I’ll respond as soon as I can. Voxer is like voicenotes and messages in its own app.

I’ve tried the workbooks, the podcasts, and therapy and it never works…

I get it. You’ve probably spent tons of money on ethical non-monogamy books, listened to every polyamory podcast you could find, and even dished out some dough for therapy to stop jealousy from ruining your relationship.

But how is this experience going to be any different and will it really help?

Since this experience was created by an expert couples therapist helping people-pleasers navigate non-monogamy. You’ll embark on 5 Journeys to help tame your jealousy with various ways to learn about yourself.

Having a TAILORED TO YOU journey allows you to heal from jealousy, quiet your insecurities, and nail the vision of your dream relationship.

You must be frustrated after all the effort you’ve put into “fixing your jealousy issue” with dozens of jealousy therapy worksheets and still feel like you’re coming up short and not making any headway in healing your relationship.

This private coaching journey will help you TAME THAT GREEN MONSTER once and for all.

Here are the 5 Journeys we will go on during our time together

  • 🎯 Find the true root of your jealousy gut-punches

    🎯 Discover why you feel so guilty for speaking up for yourself

    🎯 Identify what your needs are to feel secure in a relationship

  • 🎯 Find out why it’s so hard to be kind to yourself

    🎯 Learn how to treat yourself like you would your fur baby

    🎯 Create mindful practices to integrate into every day life

  • 🎯 Learn how emotions can be your superpower, instead of your Kryptonite

    🎯Find healthy ways to seek reassurance with your partner, sans the guilt

    🎯 Create concrete ways to calm the chaos when jealousy and other intense emotions arise

  • 🎯 Identify your negative communication cycles

    🎯 Get confident about making and sharing decisions in your best interest

    🎯 Learn healthy strategies to communicate your needs in a way that actually gets heard

  • 🎯 Cultivate understanding for yourself and your partner’s non-monogamy journey

    🎯 Embrace your own independence as a way to strengthen your relationships

    🎯 Feel a sense of hope knowing that you can feel joy for your partner’s happiness with someone else

Itching to get rid of your jealousy monster that says you’re not good enough?

Who is a good fit for this journey?

We’d be a great team if you’re:

✅ ready to take a deep dive of doing your inner work for at least an hour each week

✅ willing to try new strategies to manage your jealousy that may bring up uncomfortable emotions.

✅ ready to take action and make changes that will change your relationships for the better.

✅ curious, open, and willing to do the work.

✅ in or already completed some talk therapy work in the past and want something a bit more hands-on.

✅ in a non-monogamous relationship, thinking about opening up, or single and wanting to have a non-monogamous relationship.

I’m not the right guide if you’re:

⚠️ not able to commit to weekly coaching for at least 3 months

⚠️ thinking that you can get by with book club or journaling once a month when things feel extra stressful.

⚠️ opposed to homework and implementing change outside of sessions.

⚠️ suicidal or actively self-harming. Please call 9-1-1 if you are in immediate danger.

⚠️ actively using heavy substances.

⚠️ struggling with an active eating disorder.

⚠️ under 18-years-old.

Payment Options

  • Pay Once Investment

    (one-time only)

  • Extended Payment Plan

    (for 6 months)

Are you ready to take your jealousy and turn it to joy?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • After your discovery call, we will collaborate on a schedule for your 12-week journey.

    I accept appointments Tuesday-Thursday between 8:30am-1:00pm EST. Your sessions will be best integrated with 90 minute calls every other week for the duration of the program.

    However, if you prefer a more intensive journey, that can be arranged with longer sessions scheduled sooner rather than spread throughout the 12 weeks.

  • Your Jealousy to Joy Journey includes 9 private ENM relationship coaching sessions that last 90 minutes.

  • You can join by booking your discovery call with me to make sure we are a good fit for each other. Then, you will receive an email with all the details of how the program works.

    If we’re a great fit for each other, we’ll book your sessions on the calendar post-payment.

  • In the very unlikely chance that you will learn nothing from this program, I cannot guarantee results from your Jealousy to Joy Journey and I’m unable to offer refunds for our work together.

  • And I’ve got more answers. Drop me a line at

Start your Jealousy to Joy Journey today and feel confident in opening up.